Month: January 2022

Ancestor Hide and Seek

Some people are lucky in the way that their families were so involved with their town that it seems every newspaper had a picture of at least one aunt, uncle, or sibling. The Simard family, on my paternal side, is nothing of the sort. In documents I seen thus far, shared online by the town

Dorcus – Wild Cat Catcher

With so many dreams and schemes boiling away in my mind, I can only hope to find the fortitude to take the reigns of this New Year “With presence of mind, and courage amounting heroism” of my 3rd great-grandmother, who was “plucky” as all get-out. Dorcus White is one of my maternal 3rd great-grandmothers. She

The Foundations of My Quest

I grew up in the White Mountains of Western Maine, in a mill town where I knew nothing of the rich ancestry, heritage, nor history of my family and hometown. It’s hard to mourn what you never knew, and so I went to college knowing practically nothing of the place and people of where I