Year: 2023

March Birthdays

How is March almost past us already? It doesn’t really seem…real. But, it’s true. The snow is melting, the stream is flooding, and chickens are driving me crazy with how often they feel the need to sing the song of their people. Given that the month is almost over, I thought it would be better

February Birthdays

When you’re researching your ancestors, you always come across a time period where there are people you have actually met and others you would have liked to have known. This month’s birthday celebrations are a mixture of such. First up, happy birthday to my Maternal Grandmother, Louise! (Or as we called her, Grammy Vaughn.) There

Uncle David Wayne Vaughn

While I never had a chance to meet my uncle, as he passed before he was even two years old, I felt the need this year to commemorate his birthday. If all goes well, this summer I’ll go out to the cemetery where he, his brother, and my grandparents lie and replace the gravel around

Transcribing a Gold Mine

When I first started looking into the Judkins side of my family, I realized that a lot of the family members were from Weld, so, naturally, I stared looking for the vital record for Weld, Maine, online. They were there, but they weren’t tagged, transcribed, or quickly searchable by any means. I decided if I