Halde Cemetery Page
When someone online asked about Halde Cemetery in Waterville, Kennebec, Maine, my interest was piqued. I had never heard of said cemetery and couldn’t readily find much about it. I started digging and found a defunct website regarding the cemetery. The last updates to the site seem to be dated in 1997. The site can currently only be accessed using archive.org’s WayBackMachine — this means that it is only a matter of time before it is inaccessible. I have been working to retrieve as much information as possible from the site.
As things get copied and worked into a usable format, I will gladly share the links to the pages here. I do this so that information that others have spent countless hours collecting is not lost.
Halde Cemetery Page – Introduction
Halde Cemetery Page – Part I: The Gravestone Record
Halde Cemetery Page – Part II: The Genealogical Record
Halde Cemetery Page – Part III: Church and Burial Records
Halde Cemetery Page – Part IV: Index & Map

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