Tag: Abraham Place

The Search for Julia – Part III

As I’ve shared in The Search of Julia and The Search for Julia – Part II, I’m on the hunt to find one of my 3rd great-grandmothers. She has been a brick wall in my research for a while now, and I figure sharing some of the tactics I use to try to scour out

The Search For Julia – Part II

(I promise, no cheesy shoe metaphors this time!) So, as I shared in The Search For Julia, one of the projects I’m currently working on is trying to track down the lineage of my 3rd great-grandmother, Julia Light. Julia was born in 1819/20 somewhere in Maine. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a copy of

The Search For Julia Light

Have you ever lost something? Like a book or a shoe, and no matter how long you look for it, you just can’t find it? Then, one day, as if by magic or the Universe clicking into place, it miraculously shows up. You should feel a huge sign of a relief that you finally found